Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm Freezing my you know what off

So I went out side this morning, and it was about 30 degrees. It's not even winter yet, and I already miss having no weather in San Diego. So I went to the mall and bought an amazing beenie. I might just wear it everyday until the cold goes away.
Anyways, I wish that it would just snow already because theres no point in it being cold outside if theres no snow. I can't wait to make snowmen and snow angels. If I'm feeling really dangerous, I might even throw a snowball, but then I'll have to run from the cops to avoid the 50 dollar fine. Wow, Utah police must be really desperate to find someone doing something wrong if they have to make ridiculous laws like that.

Until next time... keep on keepin on

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

School is boring

What would you do if you were trapped in a school and had nothing to do because you didn't realize your class was cancelled? Well, I think I'd probably just sit on a couch and stare at my laptop until my eyes fell out!